Common Commands¶
- If you do /profile, you’re shown a treasure trove of information! And if you do /profile [IGN of another player], you see their information!
Your Gender
Your IGN
Your House
Current exp until you can year up.
Broom Level and exp till you level up
Your Current Name
Your Birth Name
Your Current Year
Your Blood (pure, half, muggleborn)
Your alignment
Total number of House points earned
Your Current Tier and exp till you level up
Your report card and class progress
You can use this command to ask questions of staff members, helpers +. If on the server, just make a /helpop and your ticket will be answered if someone is online to answer it. If your helpop involves something that needs an admin (shops/regions) or an owner (name/gender change, floo) check there is one online using /list first.
- Unless you own an office, apartment, or shop on the Hogwarts server, and/or have chests in the other servers, you won’t really need to know these commands. If you do own a chest, here’s some useful commands to know!
/lock - locks the chest so only you have access.
/lock [IGN] - locks the chest and allows the person with that IGN to have access
/unlock - unlocks the chest, it is now open to the public
/c info - tells you information about the chest, such as who owns it.
/c modify - allows you to modify the chest, such as adding another user or password.
/lwc mode persist - if you use this first, you don’t need to redo /lock or /unlock each time.
- This commands will be helpful while attending classes and getting the requirements needed to year up!
/schedule - to see your schedule
/schedule all - to see everyone’s schedule
/homework <subject> <lesson number> - checks your homework assignment
/turnin <subject> <lesson number> - turns in your homework assignment
/guidelist -g - see the list of guides
/guide <guide name> - start a guide (must be where the guide starts)
- This commands are helpful when casting spells and tiering up!
/spellinfo <spell name> <ign> - looks at a person’s current
/advancedspellinfo - toggles the advanced spell info in /spellcheck
/spellcheck <ign> - checks a person’s spell progress
/spellpvp - toggles whether or not harmful spells affect you (does not apply to HH and FF)
/sidealong - toggles your ability to sidealong apparate and portkey with others
/flex - changes the angle you need to turn in a direction to swish in that direction
/spawn to get to the Leaky Cauldron
/date and /calendar will help you know the current time on the server.
/house shows you your house information, including the common room password
/channels shows the available chat channels and their prefixes
/toggle shows the list of channels you can toggle, use /toggle <channel> to ignore a channel
/texture is used to update your automatically downloaded texture pack. If you manually install the pack, you probably won’t use this
/mgs <ign> <message> is used to message players. You cannot message admin+ unless they message you first. Use /r <message> to reply to the last person who messaged you or the last person you messaged
/list gives you a list of people online and their role